Thursday, April 27, 2006

Freedom has 4 doors

We have a second car! Wow, I can leave the house during the daytime. And it's a Volkswagon and diesel to boot...biodiesel here we come!  Posted by Picasa


Sarah Jennifer said...


Jessica said...

Yay! Can you use french fry grease in it? :-)

Jaime said...

Well, we'll use unused canola oil. We have to filter it but nothing else. It's pretty exciting. I've been interested in "veggie cars" in awhile but thought a second car (particularly a diesel) was out of our range.

Matthew Francis said...

That's tremendous! You're very smart since I have reliable evidence that says that gas at the pump is going to be $4 a litre within the next ten years! Biodiesel is the way to go...