Sunday, August 19, 2007


I don't know why I've been putting off updating our blog but I have. So here's some highlights of the last month.
I've been canning. So far I've done up 60 lbs of peaches, 14 pints of Nanking Cherry Jelly, 7 pints of Rhubarb-Orange Jam and I'm looking forward to apples from the Applegate's tree. My beets should be ready to harvest this week so I'll do pickled beets - yum! And I'm determined to can tomatoes this year.
I've also done some sewing. A table topper for myself, 2 pairs of pajama pants and so far 20 blue and yellow quilt squares. No pictures of my projects but here's my machine:
The kids have been enjoying the yard though this month has in general been overcast and cooler, but certainly so complaints about that here. We've started walking to the library for our weekly trip now that we no longer have to tote along the recycling. (Yay curbside recylcing!)We did also make it to Mardas Gras Days this year but were disappointed. Oh well still fun to stroll down the road.

And lastly, just general goofiness. The kids have been making cameras with tinker toys. And the undies are pirate hats!


Mama of 5 said...

I'm so jealous of your peaches. I really wish I would get back to canning. I don't know how you do all of that canning with your little ones? Give me some tips.

Jaime said...

I'm not sure how I'm doing it either! I started to think I might be a bit crazy this week. John takes two good naps and all three go to bed at 7:30 so that really helps!