Monday, March 16, 2009

Journey through Lent - Week 3

Today is No TV Day! Put your sign on the TV and read a book or play a game. Draw a picture of yourself reading or playing and add it to your box.

Think of something special that you have - a toy, book, or game. Share it with a friend or your brother or sister.

Look up Psalm 118:24 in your Bible. Read the verse out loud 3 times. Write it down and try to memorize it. When you're memorized it add the it to your box.

Make a card for your Sunday School teacher. They would love to know how special they are to you! Write down your teacher's name and add it to your box. Don't forget to take your card to church on Sunday.

Can you give up treats for the day? No candy, pop, cookies or chips!

Count all your dolls, cars, knights or toy animals. Put a penny for each one in your parent's alms box. This is a good way to be thankful for everything we have as well as sharing with those who don't have as much.

Don't forgot to take your card to church! What special day is it at church? We sang a special hymn in place of "Holy God", can you sing it for your parents?

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