Thursday, April 30, 2009

Going Crazy

The kids were driving me absolutely crazy this morning! Lily was taking HOURS to do her math lesson, Gabe was whining and I don't even know what John was doing but it was all too much. So I packed them into the van along with the camera, binoculars, notebooks and pencils and we headed to Elisabeth Lake, which is just a 2 minute drive. I had warned them last night that I wanted pictures of them in their Easter clothes for Grandma so they didn't protest too much when I made them get dressed.
Our little outing was just the thing to break up the mood. We ran, drew pictures of ducks and trees and felt much better.


Kassianni said...

nice photos.

Jessica said...

These pictures are great! Gabe looks so studious :)

Paula said...

Lily the Artist, Gabe the professor and Jon the watchman.
What a fun diversion.

RW said...

sometimes a break is all that is needed.

Tabatha said...

What a great mom you are! They all look wonderful.