Sunday, August 02, 2009

Time for an Update!

It's been such a busy summer! Since getting home from vacation we've had visitors just about every weekend. On Sunday evenings we've been going out to Horseshoe lake and camping which has been great! We're headed out there this afternoon after everyone has their PLN (Post-Liturgical Nap).
We are overjoyed to have the Hewletts with us for the long weekend and have been spending lots of time out at our camping spot. This is Justin and Lily having a great time on the lake.

On Wednesday R and I was to the staff party for the Salvation Army and it was lovely! They took us out to Fort Steele for a steak dinner followed by a steam train ride. This is the view from the train:

This photo is from the drive home from vacation. The kids were so great on the drive when we got to Yahk (only 45 mins. from home) we stopped for ice cream cones:

1 comment:

RW said...

It looks hot and dry!
How are you managing in this heat wave.